2025 Iowa Division of the Izaak Walton League of America - Convention Details

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It’s March Madness for Iowa girls’ basketball tourney time which means almost always, lousy weather. True to form we have that again this year.

March also means we’re just under two months from the Iowa Division State Convention. This year, the good folks at the Ottumwa Chapter are hosting at their beautiful grounds. If that isn’t enough to peek your involvement how about this? Your National Executive Director, Scott Kovarovics will be the keynote speaker. What a treat and opportunity to hear and ask questions of the League’s public front man. You will be impressed!

So, if you can, make plans to attend. There’ll be a Board meeting and Early Bird reception on Friday, April 25th, the actual Convention including speakers, business, election, auction and Banquet on Saturday, April 26th and finally, a trap shoot on Sunday, April 27th. Quite a full weekend, isn’t it? Come be part.

Dale Braun- President, Iowa Division

Event Details


April 25-26, 2025


Ottumwa Chapter
11077 90th Street
Ottumwa IA 52501


Please mail your checks and make them payable to the Izaak Walton League Ottumwa Chapter, 11077 90th Street, PO Box 495, Ottumwa, IA 52501.


The Ottumwa Chapter has a contract for 15 rooms at the Cobblestone Hotel and Suites, 108 Church Street, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501, 641-244-3644 Room type is two queen beds at a rate of $129 plus tax for Thursday, April 24, Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26. The Block of rooms will be held until April 3, 2025. They have booked the Board Room on the main floor for the Hospitality Room at a cost of $50 for Friday night and $50 for Saturday night.

For camping options attendees can camp at the Ikes for free, restrooms available in Trap House and Chapter House but they would want a generator to have lights and heat in their campers. Other option for camping is: The Ottumwa Park Campground at the northwest corner of the intersection of Highways 63 and 34. All camping is available on a first-come, first-serve basis; no reservations are taken. Campers can use the shower house with restrooms and dumping station. Wi-Fi is available. Fees for the RV camp, with water and electricity is $20 per night.

Additional Information

Please email us with any 2025 chapter conservation highlights, photos etc. to share at the State Convention.