September 13, 2023 – Addressed to Chapter Presidents, Board Members & Interested Members

By Dale Braun – Iowa Division President

By way of introduction, my name is Dale Braun and I was recently elected as President of the Iowa

My background with the Ike’s dates back to 1985 when I first joined the Linn County Chapter to take advantage of the Chapters ranges and consequently became a Hunter Education Instructor via the Iowa DNR, an activity I’ve been involved with ever since. Early on, I saw the benefit of the Conservaton aspects of the League and began being involved in SOS on the Cedar River. I also started to attend State Conventions to learn more. I have served as the Chapter President twice, once in 1991 and again in 2018-2022. I have also served as the Membership Dues Recipient back in the pre-computer
days and was the Chapter News Letter Editor for a number of years. Since retiring from Rockwell Collins after a 40-year career, my involvement with the Ike’s has increased substanially. I quickly became involved at both the State and National levels where I’ve served as a State Director and Vice President. I am also a National Director and most recently elected to the Executive Board where I am the Vice Chair of that Board. This mini-bio is not meant to be “braggadocious” but rather to emphasis my understanding of what chapters have been or are going to be dealing with.

As a leader of your chapter, I want to share with you some observations, concerns and ideas that I feel are paramount to the future of the Iowa Division. First though, a little background on the Iowa Division.

The Iowa Division was founded in 1922, one of the first in the naƟon under the newly created Izaak Walton League of America. Since then, the Iowa Division has chartered 229 chapters! Truly and outstanding number don’t you think? A pin map of Iowa would be cluttered from east to west and north
to south, if all were still active. Today, we number only 39 chapters comprising 6,000 members, more or less. It is understandable that we couldn’t sustain the 229 chapters. It would be great if we could add more rather than lose anymore.

While I’m familiar with a number of the 39 chapters, I acknowledge I don’t know what all are doing in the way of ranges/shooting actvities, conservation community involvement or philanthropy, if any. So at the end of this leƩer, I’ve included a survey that I would like filled out and returned to me. Please be forthright in your responses. You can also list any concerns or questions you or your chapter might have.

I believe that our chapters should know what’s going on with other chapters around the state. As such,
we are working to bring on board a new Iowa Division website that will have a chapter component. We’ll
provide links to your website of Facebook page if one exists. The website will offer the ability to share
important communicaƟons and events not only at the state level but also the Chapter level. For instance,
if your chapter has a shooting event or river clean-up event, the website would offer you the path to
advertise that event. This sharing may also spark interest in other chapters that can show what’s possible and spark ideas on new ways to get people involved.

Since my involvement at the State level, I have been surprised at the low attendance at our state conventions. This past year in Des Moines, there were only 12 chapters represented by a total of 48 delegates. This one-day event saw us review the by-laws and hold elections for Officers and Directors. We also had the opportunity mingle and share messages with fellow Ike’s. But most importantly we recognized and awarded the good work that some of the chapters are doing.

We also recognized and honored the work done by non-Ike’s people who answer to the conservaƟon bell. I’ve listed all of the officers and awardees at the end of this letter.

So, what are your plans for the next convention or two? The Division has accepted the Linn County
Chapter’s bid to host the 2024 convenƟon in Cedar Rapids. The Convention will be April 20. Plans are
well underway and Ɵmely information will be coming out, but in the meantime, please plan on
attending. The 2025 Convention will be held at the Ottumwa Chapter. No specific date is set other than it
will be held in April. So there, you’re informed and we’d encourage your chapters attendance.

The Division finances are relatively stable. We have a Finance CommiƩee that oversees and reports on
the budget and our savings plans. The Board approves the budget and all other expenditures. One larger
expenditure we had this past year was that of bringing on board State Lobbyist Dane Schumann. Dane’s
done a great job representing the Ike’s policy positions at the State Capital. He reports back to us any
bills that are of interest to us. We will be forwarding Dane’s reports to all Chapter leaders this coming
year. We have been blessed that some chapters have helped support Dane’s salary with donations.

Lastly, my goal is to personally contact all of the Iowa Chapter leaders over the next year, in one form or
another. If you have any quesƟons or concerns, I encourage to you to contact either myself, your assigned Directors or anyone on the Board so that we can address them.

Thank You for being an Ike!

Dale Braun
Ike’s Phone: (515) 883-2358

The 2023 Iowa Division Board consists of the following Officers, State and National Directors:

President – Dale Braun
First Vice-President –Lisa McIntyre
Second Vice-President – Todd Pierce
Third Vice- President – Aaron Staker
Secretary – Cheryl Kunch
Treasurer – Craig Enneking
State Directors – Rich “Bo” Galloway – Corky Simmons – Jan Carmer – Donny Ingle – Craig
McIntyre – Jan Carmer – Jim Meek
National Directors – Bill Arnold – Vicki Arnold – Rick Cerwick – Jack Johnson – Jay Samuelson –
Marj Striegel – Marion Striegel

Note: Dale Braun and Lisa McIntyre are also National Directors. Rick Cerwick is also Immediate
Past President. Todd Pierce is also a State Director

Awardees at the April 22, 2023 Iowa Division Convention @ Des Moines

Rookie(s) of the Year Award
Mark Pranger, Des Moines – Pat Neppl, Dragoon Trail – Alice Roberts, Ottumwa – and Warren
& Sherry Gardner, Warren County

Conservation Award
Christine Curry, Des Moines – and Zach Boyer, Dragoon Trail

Save Our Streams (SOS) Volunteer Award
Bob Rye, Panora Conservation Chapter – and Paul Rogalla, Warren County

Beverly McCrindle Cleaner Streams Award
Travis Lautner, DMACC Agribusiness Farm

Fish and Game Officer of the Year Award
Allen Crouse, Iowa DNR

Ries Tuttle Communication Award
Brittney Miller, Cedar Rapids Gazette

Ronald Kuntz Legislator of the Year Award
Representative Norlin Mommsen

Soil Conservationist of the Year
Elizabeth Partridge Blessington – Chris Henning, Panora Conservation

Teacher of the Year Award
Mark Dorhout, Panorama Schools

Iowa Honor Roll Award
Johnson Propane, Battle Creek, IA – Liz Garst of Whiterock Conservancy – Kate Zimmerman,
Executive Director of Whiterock

Ding Darling Newsletter Award
Des Moines Chapter

Best Chapter Website Award
Des Moines Chapter

R3 Award (Recruitment, Retention & Reactivation Award
Warren County Chapter

Leopold Chapter Conservation Award
West Central Chapter

Hall of Fame Award
Jack and Charlotte

Host Chapter Award
Des Moines Chapter

Outgoing Iowa Division President Award
Rick Cerwick – In appreciation for service 2020-2023

Awards are nominated by you, the members. Please keep an eye out for next years Awards Nomination
email and please, take time now to review potential candidates.