Access to Clean Water & Clean Air should be a Fundamental Right— 

How a constitutional amendment will assure clean water & clean air for all!

James Larew— Environmental Attorney/Advocate, Driftless Water Defenders

Learn more about why and how the Constitution of the State of Iowa should be amended to assure protection of our natural resources for us and for all future generations.  

 “Polls we have seen indicate that the overwhelming majority of Iowans support access to clean air and clean water.  Drinking or swimming in dirty water, or breathing contaminated air, injures a person regardless of political affiliation or geographical location.  Unsafe air and dirty water can cause cancers or other illnesses that may affect any and all Iowans.”

Driftless Water Defender, James Larew, shares his insights and updates from a recent article published in The Gazette that he and Chris Jones wrote:  “Amend Iowa’s Constitution to assure access to clean water and clean air”.

Jim also discusses ways in which we the people can get involved and start advocating to protect our natural resources, clean water and clean air for both public health and recreation.  

Attorney James Larew has had the privilege of providing legal services to Iowans throughout the state for more than forty years.  As an honors graduate of both Harvard University and the University of Iowa College of Law, Jim practices law over a broad range of civil and criminal matters including environmental law. From 2007-2011, Jim was called to serve as General Counsel to Iowa Governor Chet Culver, and also served as Policy Director and Chief of Staff in the Office of Governor. He has broadened the focus of his law practice to include advocating for the interest of Iowa policy holders against insurance companies who have acted in bad faith against environmental polluters.