Good to know and Good to share…
Conservation Conversations Matter too—
Members of Congress and their staff are currently on August Recess, an extended legislative break that brings lawmakers back to their states and districts. Last week, the League, with Kate Hansen and Dale Braun, National Wildlife Federation, with Ben Knuth and Iowa Wildlife Federation, with Ryan Smith hosted congressional staff members on visits to discuss conservation in the Farm Bill.
On Monday, a representative for Sen. Joni Ernst joined us for a discussion and farm tour at Pinhook Farm near Clarinda, Iowa. Seth and Christy Watkins hosted our group, told us about their commitment to conservation, and explained how programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have both helped and hurt their efforts. We featured the Watkins’ farm on our blog in 2020. Learn more about their operation. Click here!
The following day, a staff member for Rep. Randy Feenstra visited the Izaak Walton League’s Ames Chapter and engaged in a discussion with Iowa Division President and Izaak Walton League Executive Board Chair Dale Braun, along with Ames Chapter President Roger Elliott and chapter member Tod Bertram.
“Both Sen. Ernst and Rep. Feenstra serve on their respective agriculture committees, and the visits come at a critical time. Congress must act soon on the new Farm Bill or risk losing out on billions of dollars in new investments for conservation programs,” said Kate Hansen, Agriculture Program Director.
Learn more about why Congress should pass a Farm Bill this year. **Click here!**