Aftermath of the Nishnabotna River Spill
How concerned citizens unite to protect the Nishnabotna River after one of Iowa’s largest fish kills!
Samantha Williams— Scientist, Clean Water Advocate
Joey Norris— Engineer, Concerned Citizen
Learn more from scientist Samatha Williams and engineer Joey Norris as they share a brief update on the Red Oak/Montgomery County post-spill activities and some information about the New Coop.
Other concerned citizens along with Izaak Walton League’s Midwest Save our Streams Coordinator Heather Wilson will join the discussion to explore how to move forward with organizing a citizen science stream-monitoring based program. Local advocacy is key to protecting waterways for both public health and recreation. Engaging, Educating and Empowering… local citizens in communities along with giving them the tools is one of the first steps in helping to be part of the solution in cleaning up our public lands and waterways.
Samantha Williams has a degree in Biology from Iowa State University and is a former scientist with Des Moines Water Works and BioProcess Algae in Shenandoah. She is an avid clean water advocate with an eye for chemical and biological impacts. Joey Norris is a concerned citizen of SW Iowa and seeks ways to protect the East Nishnabotna River. Joey is an engineer and economic development enthusiast.