Watershed Talks ~ Soil and Water Conservation
Iowa HUC 8 Watersheds and the Iowa population of each.
This monthly virtual series is a project of the Iowa Division of the Izaak Walton League of America, with rotating co-hosts from other Iowa Chapters. We feature guests for 30-40 minute presentations that shed daylight on good works done in Iowa watersheds. In this way we uplift our shared goals for cleaner water, a healthy environment, and kinder communities.
Watershed Talks with Dale Braun
How the Iowa Division is working to enhance conservation and engage 39 chapters state wide!
Dale Braun— President, Iowa Division, Izaak Walton League of America
The IWL was one of the first conservation organizations established in America and has been at the forefront of significant conservation policy— one hundred years ago the League was the driving force behind the creation of the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, which protects wildlife habitat along 261 miles of the river in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois.
Through out the years many chapters were formed in Iowa and beyond to protect land and waterways. Join us to learn more about what we are doing today as we seek to continue this legacy, engage our chapters, and expand our networks by working with the youth, while utilizing new technologies to communicate with them.
Dale has been an active member of the Linn County Chapter, since the early 80’s. He has served in many leadership capacities at the local, state and national level. We’re super grateful to have him at the helm as we move into 2024. Dale shares some of the challenges we’re facing and some exciting activities that are taking place such as our lobbying efforts at the State Capital and our upcoming April 20th state convention.